
Some projects have incubation status to promote new ideas, develop innovative software solutions, and convince skeptics that proposed solutions can support the software development process. Most of the projects are closed now.

RETIRED PROJECT: Annotating Gen Objects

Annotating Gen Objects project was the first incubation project started by the JGen Notes.  Technology and solution proposed in this one will mostly support extend the CA Gen Toolset, but there are plans to move beyond this arena now. There are utilities in the development that extract meta-data from the local models developed using the CA Gen Toolset. Such meta-data will be available in a more open format. A new API will permit access to meta-data from Java and Swift languages. Part of the solution is to give a limited ability to change some properties of the extracted objects. This will allow adding some extra meta-data using the annotation mechanism.


The initial project allowing to define annotations and process them has been published on GitHub.

User-added Function Utility is searching Gen model for annotations marking action block as a template for creating user-added function.



The objective of the JGen Notes Nature project is to create a universal platform easing the “injection” of some CA Gen features into the third-party development process. We choose the very popular Eclipse Platform as the base and environment to build on top of it. So, anybody using Eclipse as a development platform will associate the CA Gen model as part of their development process under the condition that they are using Eclipse. The minimum functionality will add nature to the Eclipse project with some basic functionality that connects to the CA Gen model. The proposed solution is using a standard mechanism offered by the Eclipse Platform to include third-party functionality.


RETIRED PROJECT: Action Block Direct

The CA Gen generates source code in many programming languages targeting many database systems using a single design stored in the Gen Model. It generates faultless code assuming that the design is correct and matches end-user expectations. I would say that CA Gen offers an excellent and exquisite way to construct very complex database queries based on a well-defined data model. You are developing your queries using logical design concepts rather than physical database design leaving the generation process to deal with the specific particulars of technical implementation of a specific database system.

It would be exciting to utilize that capability outside the rigorous CA Gen application development process. The idea of action block direct is to use action block implementations generated from the CA Gen Model by the applications developed outside the CA Gen framework.

Initial project providing solution that allows invoking the CA Gen Action Block outside the Gen’s create application has been published here.

The solution proposed here has the first usage. The UAF utility can generate Java test classes using the CA Gen runtime mockup created using the Action Block Direct project.


RETIRED PROJECT: User-Added Function Implemented by Action Block

Would it be convenient to have the feature allow converting qualifying regular action blocks into the user-added functions?

You will need to create a regular action block using CA Gen Toolset first. We are going to use a newly created action block as a template to create a user-added function. Such an action block must follow strict rules on how import and export views should look. Rest will be generated for you and ready to use.

An experimental tool helping in the development of the user-added functions is published and available for download.


RETIRED PROJECT: Data Model Widgets

Would it possible to design a data model outside the CA Gen and export such design to the CA Gen model and continue design in the CA Gen? Yes, it looks that it is entirely feasible. It should also be possible to export existing data model design from the local Gen models and continue the design process using some other tools. This project shows how using purpose-built Domain Specific Language (DSL) and capture data model design which we can later import to the CA Gen Model.

You will find more details using the links below:

This project provided a lot of experience building a framework for many development tools and will be continued under a new name.