NOTE: This project has been retired, and there will be no more updates. Other future projects may reuse some concepts presented here.
The CA Gen provides an easier method of creating user-added functions. A developer needs to drop into one of the model directories an XML file with the definition of the user-added function. The toolset is capable of locating such XML files and modifies the model accordingly adding the required internal structure into the model. You do not need knowledge of CA Gen API anymore. A developer needs only to provide an implementation of the user-added function in one of many supported programming languages.
You can download utility helping in the development of so-called user-added functions for the CA Gen. This is the first experimental version of the Eclipse project delivering such tool you can find here published on GitHub for public viewing. Here you can download the standalone UAF utility. I would like to remain you that all software downloaded from this website is experimental and you should not use it in the production environment until tested adequately.