NOTE: This project has been retired and there will be no more updates. Other future projects may be reuse some concepts presented here.
Part 1 provided a general description of the concept behind annotating objects in the Gen Model. Now is time to be more specific about how to process annotations that have been attached to number objects stored in the CA Gen model.
Table of Contents
The concept of annotations is very well-established in the world of Java programming language. This project uses a similar approach of processing the annotations in the Gen model to the one proposed in the Java world. I need to emphasize the word “similar”, but it is not the same.
At this point, it will be a largely simplified solution allowing just to experiment with the development of a variety of utilities and tools.
Annotation Worker
The provided classAnnotationWorker
helps you in the process of extracting annotations from the Gen objects. Very much like in the Java world, developers have to implement a number of annotation processors and annotation workers will run them. A processor may be asked to process a subset of the annotations found in the number of objects. A user activating annotation worker provides a list of objects as an initial source for the processing. Java compiler processes annotations in the Java world. Here annotation worker plays the role of Java compiler in the processing annotations.
The processor is essentially a Java class provided by the developer which implements the interfaceProcessor
. The class implementing Processor
interface has to follow strict rules. This project provides an abstract classAbstractProcessor
implementing initial logic.
package eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.base; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.annotations.xAnnotations.XAnnotation; public interface ć { public Set<String> getSupportedAnnotationTypes(); public void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv); public boolean process(Set<XAnnotation> annotations, ScanEnvironment scanEnv); }
Here is an example of the classProcessor
doing some simple reporting.
package eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.tests.sample; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.annotations.xAnnotations.XAnnotation; import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.base.ScanEnvironment; import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.base.SupportedAnnotationTypes; import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.impl.AbstractProcessor; import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.impl.AnnotationObject; import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.impl.DiagnosticKind; @javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes(value = { "" }) @SupportedAnnotationTypes(value = { "eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.tests.sample.Author", "eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.tests.sample.Function" }) public class SampleProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { public SampleProcessor() { super(); } @Override public boolean process(Set<XAnnotation> annotations, ScanEnvironment scanEnv) { System.out.println("\nSupported Annotations:"); for (XAnnotation annotation : annotations) { System.out.println(annotation.getAnnotationType().getQualifiedName()); } System.out.println("\n\nAnnotation Objects Found:"); for (AnnotationObject annotationObject : scanEnv.getScanResult()) { System.out.println("\n" + annotationObject); } Set<AnnotationObject> selection = scanEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.tests.sample.Function.class); for (AnnotationObject annotationObject : selection) { System.out.println("Selection: \n" + annotationObject); processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(DiagnosticKind.INFO, "Done."); } return true; } }
Here is a sample code showing how simple is to invoke annotation worker. Please do not be confused by the syntax. This bit is written using Xtend language but is similarly easy when in Java.
package eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.tests.sample import import import import eu.jgen.notes.annot.desc.annotation.Metadata import eu.jgen.notes.annot.desc.tests.AnnotationInjectorProvider import eu.jgen.notes.annot.processor.impl.AnnotationWorker import eu.jgen.notes.automation.wrapper.JGenEncyclopedia import eu.jgen.notes.automation.wrapper.JGenFactory import eu.jgen.notes.automation.wrapper.JGenModel import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResourceSet import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.InjectWith import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.XtextRunner import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.util.ParseHelper import org.eclipse.xtext.testing.validation.ValidationTestHelper import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(XtextRunner) @InjectWith(AnnotationInjectorProvider) class ProcessorTest { static JGenEncyclopedia ency static JGenModel genModel @Inject ParseHelper<Metadata> parseHelper @Inject extension ParseHelper<Metadata> @Inject extension ValidationTestHelper @Inject XtextResourceSet resourceSet @Inject AnnotationWorker worker @Test def void loadModel() { var JGenFactory factory = JGenFactory::eINSTANCE ency = factory.createEncyclopedia() ency.connect() genModel = ency.findModels().get(0) var objects = genModel.findTypeObjects(ObjTypeHelper.getCode(ObjTypeCode.ACBLKBSD)) worker.initProcessor(new SampleProcessor()).setSources(objects).activate } }
All sources including examples are published here. This project will need more refining and some more functionality and new features coming soon together with better documentation.