Here, we are describing how to wrap the Encyclopedia and Workstation Application Program Interface (API) software for the CA Gen.
It does not wrap the Host Encyclopedia and the Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) for all available API platforms and databases because the free CA Gen release does not cover any software dealing any supported encyclopedias.
It supports only local access to workstation models, but converting into full function solution comprising all encyclopedias is easy.
This section is intended for programmers who are developing or maintaining applications that access data managed by CA Gen Workstations and developed in Java language.
The Encyclopedia API is a set of C functions, include files, and libraries. You must be familiar with the C programming language and the software development tools for the platform on which you are working to use the Encyclopedia API. You must also be familiar with the CA Gen meta-model. Using Java Wrapper does not require you to know C language and related environmental settings.
The proposed solution is the Java class JGenAPI
with all methods implemented as native methods. You will find the source code here.
You will find Microsoft project implementing native methods here.